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Indigo Ross Charity of the year 2023

This year we have decided to do a whole year of fundraising for a cause which is very close to our hearts – sepsis.

Sepsis, also known as blood poisoning, is the immune system’s overreaction to an infection or injury. Usually, our body’s immune system fights infection, but sometimes for unknown reasons it attacks our body’s own organs and tissues. If sepsis is not treated immediately, it can result in organ failure and death. Five people die every hour with Sepsis in the UK.

With our choice to fundraise for the whole year, we hope that we can reach more people with the signs and symptoms of sepsis.

The team at Indigo Ross have all taken part in ‘Sepsis Savvy’ run by The UK Sepsis Trust.

All our staff are now aware of the signs and symptoms of sepsis and are now able to help protect themselves and their loved ones against the ‘silent killer.’ You can also become Sepsis Savvy by watching this video.

Throughout 2023, we will be taking on challenges, hosting events and wearing silly clothes to raise money. We will be raising money for both The UK Sepsis Trust and our dear friend Pam Driscoll, who unfortunately contracted Pneumococcal Septicaemia in 2022, which has left her with life-changing conditions. Funds raised will be split 50/50 between the two recipients.

One of the biggest challenges we will be taking-on is the Three Peaks Challenge.

We will begin training at the start of the year to make-sure we are all fit and ready to climb some mountains. As well as the team at Indigo Ross, we would love to see as many faces as possible join us for this challenge, so if you are up for it, get in touch, and we can all do it together.

As well as climbing mountains, we will be hosting our very own pub quiz. We would love to see as many of you there as possible – we will be confirming times/dates and details nearer to the quiz.

We will be trying to raise as much money as we can throughout the year. If you would like to donate in-between events and challenges we have a Just Giving page.