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25 years (and a bit) of Indigo Ross

Indigo Ross turned 25 in 2020, but sadly covid put a stop to celebrations at the time, however, this November we could finally celebrate 25 years (and a bit) of Indigo Ross.

The team and their partners celebrated with a weekend away in Cambridge filled with lots of fun activities. Firstly we got into teams and went on a scavenger hunt around the city, when finished we got back together at the hotel for some cake and prosecco, before glamming ourselves ready for the evening.

All looking beautiful we headed out for some cocktails and dinner to line our stomachs for the big night ahead. When our tummy’s were full, we went on to play a bit of crazy golf where everyone got a bit competitive – especially Carl.

25 Year Celebration of Indigo Ross Sudbury

Golfed out, we headed back into the city center where we partied and celebrated all night – we even managed to get Phil and Carl into a nightclub (they both got IDed… which we will never hear the last of )

The next day after everyone was well rested and had recovered from the night before (well kinda) we took a lovely punt up the river Camb, before heading home ready to start the week.

We would like to thank ALL of our customers from the bottom of our hearts for your support over the last 25+ years.

25 Year Celebration of Indigo Ross Sudbury
25 Year Celebration of Indigo Ross Sudbury
25 Year Celebration of Indigo Ross Sudbury