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Google Urges Businesses to Think Mobile Friendly

April 21st is a key date for your diary as Google makes one of its biggest algorithm changes yet. The huge increase in people utilising mobile devices to search the internet has led Google to offer the very best mobile search experience. This will have a massive impact on search rankings as Google will be expanding ‘mobile friendliness’ as a ranking signal across all languages.

So how does this affect you?

Mobile is here to stay; people are using mobile devices to search the internet more than ever. No organisation with a web presence can afford to ignore this update – since doing so could well mean less traffic, and a poorer user experience.

How do I know if my site complies?
Google has created a tool that determines if a site is mobile friendly or not. Simply enter your URL and wait while your site is analysed.

Mobile Friendly Test : Click Here

You will then read either: “Awesome! This page is mobile-friendly.”, or “Not mobile friendly”. If your site fails the test, the tool will tell you why. Examples of issues are:

Text too small to read

Mobile viewport not set

Content wider than screen

Links too close together

How can we help you?

If your site fails to comply, we can help. Whether you need a mobile version of your current site, or are going to use the opportunity for a complete redevelopment we would love to hear from you.

Drop us an email on, contact us on our website form click here or call 01787 880260